Class of 1966
Contact: Linda (Meeks)Pollock       or     Mike Meeks

Linda (Meeks) Pollock

Mike Meeks

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Last Update: April 12, 2010, 9:10 AM
Class of '66
Largo Senior High
40th Reunion Time  
Our 40th Class Reunion Group Picture.
Please E-Mail all of our class E-Mail and Mailing addresses along with any other information about our class.
Our 40th Class Reunion Was August 19!!! We all had a fantastic time!!! We missed all that couldn't make it and pray that it wasn't because of an illness or health! We hope to see everyone at our 45th class reunion!         Check the "Our Reunion Info" Button  for details!
Please Left-Click on any picture to get the full picture that is suitable for printing a good picture! Remember the pictures that are wider will print better in the Landscape Mode instead of Portrait Mode. Note: Most of the bigger pictures "WILL TAKE A LONG TIME TO DISPLAY or DOWN LOAD to SAVE"!!! You can Down Load the Picture to keep for keepsake! ***** Please Enjoy *****, and anybody that wants me to add their pictures on the WebSite, please E-Mail them to me or Mail them to me. I will post them as soon as I have the time!

Reunion Celebrations, Inc.
P.O. BOX 21127, Tampa, FL 33622-1127
(813) 874-9967

This WebSite is Dedicated in Loving Memory to Our Classmates who are no longer with us!


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